What is Tsu.co?

Tsu.co is a newly released invite only social network that pays the user ad revenue at a 90% compensation model to the user rather than the traditional 0% from all other social networking sites available.

So essentially its a facebook that pays you money for posting status updates.

Is it a scam?

Nope, check out this youtube clip from the creator of Tsu.

Tsu Founder Sebastian Sobczak Fox Business Interview 

Come on, whats the catch!?

Only your skepticism really.  I totally get it, yes but if you give it a try you might be surprised!  

Join up for free!

It's free, so no pain involved!  It's a lot of fun too to post status updates and to know they are making you money.  :)

Join Tsu here: https://www.tsu.co/LucasMichael

P.S. See you on Tsu!  It really is fun.  There are a lot of positive minded passionate people that exist within the mystical dimension we now know and love as Tsu.co. :)


Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Making Money with Social Networking

Facebook and Traditional social networks.

There are a few ways of making money with traditional social networks, but usually you have to have your own product or product(s) to promote.  There isn't currently any way of making money from the social networking experience itself...  Facebook keeps 100% of the money gained from YOUR content.  Thats how they are a $200 billion dollar company.  This is where Tsu.co comes in the picture...

A new kind of social network.

Imagine posting an update and actually getting paid for it..  Yes, thats what Tsu.co is.  It's a brilliantly minimal interface that looks very much like *cough* Facebook and Twitter.  But at it's core it will pay out 90% of profits to yourself and your "children".

Your children are people who sign up under you from other places than the site itself.  Although it's a bit of a creepy name (imho) these children will make you a lot of cash in the end as long as they know how to stay an active posting member and create value for your followers (which are encouraged for you to find).

Am I going to be rich?

I'd be lying if I told you yes, but this site is so new that with a long term attitude and an open mind to try something new and fun, making a few hundred a month isn't out of the picture.  Just not right away.  You need to build lots of friends and children first, which isn't that difficult if you put the time in every day.

The future...

Not much is known about Tsu.co other than one of the developers used to work for Microsoft and the CEO seems like a pretty level headed guy who was on a talk show on Fox Money.

Although the future is open ended there is still a strong foundation.  So that being said, I'd recommend trying out this new site out and meeting some new people by using #hashtags that make it easy to find common interests.

It's free, no BS I promise.  You'll need to sign up here because it's an invite only social network.  

Click here to sign up: https://www.tsu.co/LucasMichael

Make sure to say hi when you get signed up!

Cheers & Good luck!


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