What is Tsu.co?

Tsu.co is a newly released invite only social network that pays the user ad revenue at a 90% compensation model to the user rather than the traditional 0% from all other social networking sites available.

So essentially its a facebook that pays you money for posting status updates.

Is it a scam?

Nope, check out this youtube clip from the creator of Tsu.

Tsu Founder Sebastian Sobczak Fox Business Interview 

Come on, whats the catch!?

Only your skepticism really.  I totally get it, yes but if you give it a try you might be surprised!  

Join up for free!

It's free, so no pain involved!  It's a lot of fun too to post status updates and to know they are making you money.  :)

Join Tsu here: https://www.tsu.co/LucasMichael

P.S. See you on Tsu!  It really is fun.  There are a lot of positive minded passionate people that exist within the mystical dimension we now know and love as Tsu.co. :)


Thursday, October 30, 2014

The Ultimate Noobies Guide to Tsu

In the beginning...

So you join Tsu and you're thinking: "Great, how do I make the big bucks now!? :D" 

Well if you want to become a #tsuwizard, you will be well on your way to the #tsudanceparty and become a certified #tsuchampion if you read this guide!

Tips incoming........

The Tips!

Tip 1
When people friend and/or follow you, just friend or follow them back.  Do not follow as well as friend someone.  Only do one.  There is currently a limit to 1000 follows someone can ask for and 5000 friends you can have.  This may change in the future, but currently this is the way it is now.  

Don't have both: 

Do this instead:

This means that at some point when your 1000 followers limit is reached, you will have to rely on befriending others to grow your audience  as well as creating posts with hashtags that people will see and will add/follow you (amount of people that can follow you is infinite).

Also, once you have 600+ followers and friends, people will start following and adding you by themselves, you won't have to outreach to others as much.  So more of an auto pilot type of thing. :)

Tip 2
Do housecleaning a lot, especially at first!

Until you hit your wall of 1000 followers, you will want to make sure to friend or follow anyone who is on your follower list.  You can access your followers on your profile where it says "Followers" with how many are following you.  Click that.

On that page, make sure to follow or friend others as this will help them build their friend and follower list.


(Make sure all are followed/friended back, just one option though)

Tip 3
When you start off you're going to want to expand very fast...  Follow and friend (again... only one option sent out to each person, not both options) as many people as you can by clicking the people who have liked posts as well as by searching for #tsu or other hashtags to find the types of people you'd like in your feed.  


(click the heart and it will bring up a further list where you can add people)

Tip 4
Use hashtags in your posts!  Make sure to use common keywords to describe the type of post but ALWAYS (at your discretion) include any or all of the following: #tsu#tsunami #tsunation #tsuworldorder, etc.  These as well as other keywords will offer you the best chance at finding likeminded people as well as a variety of people.


..Ok great, see this isn't hard to do, just be creative. :)

The biggest tip of all...

Tip 5
Do NOT participate in any "Like my post and share and we can make money!" Type of posts!  These add ZILCH value for other people and are basically like scummy posts that just end up in the sewer of peoples minds when they scroll down their Tsu feed.  

Is a post like this more likely to get followers/friends ...(click to enlarge):

Or this?(click to enlarge):

Providing emotional satisfaction and value 

You have to come up with clever, inspirational, information rich (short or long) posts that will give people a value of some kind...  Help make people feel good! People like feeling good and I'd say most people like positive minded folk around rather then low vibe negative nancies being bored and complaining. ;)

Just be real, but consciously so.  Wait until you have something good to say before saying it.  Just wait for that inspiration to hit you and go yes!  Bam I just posted a picture of a cute kitten! 

(Yeah, like that one!)

Being real might even help propel us all to our next level!  This is called positive leadership and will help motivate others as well as ourselves to our highest potential!

Aka a future version of ourselves that is a super badass where we attract everything we ever truly wanted into our life!

(Wow thats one strong squirrel)

Back to Tsu

Treat Tsu as it is, a newly created environment that should be approached with common sense and non artificial ways of thinking.

Trying to force money out of Tsu is like trying to suck on a carrot waiting for juice to come out!


Seriously though, we as members on Tsu need to add real value to others feeds and stay out of the artificial "money post" mindset.  We are here to build contacts that are actual acquaintances that may and hopefully share common interests and we can all talk to in very real ways.

I mean internet people are real people too!  I even met one that became my wife!  Just out of a common field of interest of spirituality and such we found eachother!  

Anything can happen!  Never limit the internet!

Treat others like you'd treat yourself.  Live by example and LEAD others to the promised land (where yes we all hope to have lots of money someday if it can happen).

Until that actually does happen, as long as you listen to these guidelines and take heed of what I say about being real and yourself on tsu, you'll be fine and I'd love to see your Tsu feed anytime ;)

Have fun out there #tsunation , let surf this #tsunami and see where it takes us...  Because it could be anywhere at this point, but we're early on the wave so it's even more exciting, a freshly squeezed experience! :D

In #gratitsude ,

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